Hand Therapy Treatment


Conveniently located throughout Brisbane

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If you’ve injured or are experiencing pain, swelling, discomfort, or blunt force trauma with the hand, you’ve come to the right place.

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Metacarpal Fracture Xray | Action Rehab Hand Therapy Clinic
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Hand based metacarpal gutter water proof water proof orthosis OR Anti swan neck active range of motion, 6 weeks splinting followed by intrinsic strengthening. 


The metacarpal bones are the long slender bones which connect your wrist to your fingers and are roughly at the level of your palm. There is one metacarpal for each finger.

Fractures of the hand are the most common fractures of the human skeleton. Metacarpal fractures account for 18% to 44% of all of hand fractures. 

Most fractures are due to either accidental falls or direct blows to another object or individual, with small-finger neck fractures and ring-finger shaft fractures among the most common metacarpal fractures. 

As with any hand fracture, the primary goals are to achieve anatomic and stable reduction, bony union, and early mobilisation to minimise disability.

Metacarpal Fracture Treatment Melbourne | Action Rehab Hand Therapy Clinic

Interesting fact: Metacarpal fractures are often referred to as a ‘boxer’s fracture’ due to its prevalence in boxers or athletes of other sports or activities. 


Most causes of metacarpal fracture involve trauma to the hand that are caused by punching objects with a closed fist (most commonly Boxer’s Fracture).

Otherwise it can often occur from blunt force trauma (vehicle accident, direct blow to the hand, work injury) or crush injuries to the hand resulting in multiple metacarpal fractures.

Metacarpal fractures can result in deformities including; malrotation, angulation, and shortening. Complications can also result with a decreased range of motion, infection or nonunion. 

  • Swelling
  • Pain and tenderness over hand
  • Bone or joint that is clearly deformed or broken

Call us on (07) 3205 7019 for an appointment, or schedule an appointment online by clicking the button below.

Our Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists have extensive knowledge and experience in assessing, diagnosing, treating, and managing your hand and upper extremity – your shoulder, elbow, wrist, and hand – injuries or conditions, so you know you’re in good hands.

The hand therapists at Action Rehab Hand Therapy Clinic are experienced in the assessment and treatment of metacarpal fractures. With a reputation endorsed by sporting organisations like the Brisbane Football Club, Action Rehab Hand Therapy Clinic is the smart choice for treating your metacarpal fractures.

Get on the road to recovery, so you can do the things you love.

Play Video about What is Metacarpal Fractures | Northside Hand and Upper Limb Clinic


With suspected metacarpal fractures, it’s best to seek urgent treatment as the results of delayed treatment can lead to further complications. In some instances surgery may be required, and in most cases this is best done as soon as the injury has been assessed.

Once an Action Rehab Hand Therapy Clinic team member has assessed the injury and if they have determined it’s a non-operative injury, a hand-based or wrist and hand-based splint would usually be recommending depending on the injury after assessment.

Action Rehab Hand Therapy Clinic will fabricate a guard for transitioning back to sport if required.


  • XRAY – gold standard metacarpal fracture diagnosis
  • CT or MRI for further tissue damage or multiple injuries

Conservative Approach

Your Action Rehab Hand Therapy Clinic hand therapist will fabricate a custom thermoplastic splint which will allow for healing and union of the fracture, followed by an array of ranging and stability exercises. The primary goals of treatment are to achieve acceptable alignment, stable reduction, strong bony union, and unrestricted motion. 

Metacarpal Fracture Xray | Action Rehab Hand Therapy Clinic

Surgical Approach

Open reduction or internal fixation (surgery) by an orthopaedic surgeon.   Following surgery, you will be placed into a custom Thermoplastic splint fabricated by the hand therapist at Action Rehab Hand Therapy Clinic and an exercise program will begin.

Metacarpal Fracture Xray | Action Rehab Hand Therapy Clinic

See below the two treatment approaches for a patient who has metacarpal fracture.

Fig 1:  Basic Treatment

An off-the-shelf splint is being used to treat a metacarpal fracture. It does not hold the metacarpal in a stable position leading to possible complications. 

Metacarpal Fracture Splint | Action Rehab Hand Therapy Clinic

Fig 2:  Action Rehab Hand Therapy Clinic Treatment

Your Action Rehab Hand Therapy Clinic hand therapist will fabricate a custom thermoplastic splint which will allow for healing and union of the fracture, followed by an array of ranging and stability exercises. The primary goals of treatment are to achieve acceptable alignment, stable reduction, strong bony union, and unrestricted motion. 

Metacarpal Fracture Splint | Action Rehab Hand Therapy Clinic


Metacarpal Fracture are the most common hand injury. Metacarpal Fracture is a common sports related injury and Action Rehab Hand Therapy Clinic are experts in sports trauma.

Metacarpal fractures are caused by a blunt force such as a punch or a compression of the hand during trauma.  Metacarpal fractures are often referred to as a ‘boxer’s fracture’ due to this mechanism of injury.

Metacarpal fracture takes about 6-8 weeks to recover but depending on the type of fracture it may be shorter.  Early treatment of your Metacarpal fracture will shorten the time taken to recover.

No generally Metacarpal Fractures do not require surgery. Action Rehab Hand Therapy Clinic therapists can assess the X-ray and can advise if your Metacarpal Fracture needs surgery and refer you immediately to our network of Upper Limb Specialist Surgeons. 

Metacarpal Fracture can be a serious injury. You should always see a Hand Therapist if you have a Metacarpal Fracture because they are much more complicated than you think.


Action Rehab Hand Therapy Clinic provides assessment and treatment for all conditions relating to the upper limb, including metacarpal fractures. Come and see our highly qualified and friendly staff today at a location convenient to you.